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Looking forward to quantum computing?

I recently read about the death of Emilio Del Giudice, one of the people that started and inspired New Humanities, a very exciting initiative taking place in one of the oldest cities in the world. Unfortunately I never met Del Giudice but I went to one of the New Humanities meeting which was very lively and interesting. I did not have time, energy, or ability, to establish a stronger connection with them. I am, however, definitely going to find the time to read Del Giudice book, and also to watch some of the videos and read the material in the website (sooner or later). And I encourage you to do the same (the site is bilingual, although the Italian version has obviously more material). To say the least, you will your brain will fill refreshed and you can start whatever you are doing with more (quantum?) energy.

From a letter sent by Domenico Fiormonte to Humanist yesterday:

On 31st January 2014, Emilio Del Giudice, a great physicist, friend and supporter, as well as an influential member of the international *New Humanities* research group passed away. In such cases one always speaks of “emptiness” but such a word cannot be uttered without recalling the quantum vacuum which Emilio told us about for the first time three years ago. I can now imagine him riding that quantum wave in that material dimension that he explored with scientific rigor as well as with merry images and light-hearted poetry (“science is nothing but a metaphor,” he loved to say).

This loss touches us on a profound level because without Emilio *New Humanities* would probably not have been born. We have to thank another physicist (but also a humanist), Paolo De Santis, for letting us discover his character and fascinating research on the memory of water, biological matter and electromagnetic fields, the notion of self and the concept of quantum resonance, etc. All these investigations deeply involved our perception of what means today to be human. “The three bullets secret“, a novel on the military secrets of tactic nuclear weapons, was the book that made him known to the general public in Italy, and also one of the few volumes that bears his signature because he was too versatile and generous to devote himself to monographs. Emilio opened us up to a world and renewed our hopes for a new knowledge. Thanks to him that “new cultural code” that
we all desperately were trying to build and protect from the ethical and cultural wreck of our institutions seemed miraculously at hand.

Not only was “Quantum Physics’ contribution to the idea of consciousness” based on his openness, availability and depth of vision, but in 2011, along with Marcello Buiatti, he was the protagonist of that amazing dialogue “Towards new humanities” that shook us from deadly government educational reform, prompting us to create something new while all drowned in the hermeneutics of the reform bill. If, even to a small extent, we were really able to do something new and didn’t succumb, this was thanks to Emilio, a scientist who “recognized” us as equal partners so that we, humanists sometimes too shy with our ideas, cheered and found courage. Today, someone much more important than us mirrored our work, others theorize things alike, while we put them into practice.

Our task, therefore, is not to lose heart and continue on that road. But we know that without Emilio the path seems all-uphill.

I sincerely hope they will not give up, and looking forward to more meetings with them in the future. And to quantum computing as well, of course.

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Giorgio Guzzetta (March 12, 2014). Looking forward to quantum computing? Books are Falling Apart. Retrieved February 10, 2025 from

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