The conference will take place at the British School in Rome on 27-28 March 2014. For inquiries, please contact and
Organised by the UK Society of Italian Studies
Day 1 – 27 March
Morning (9:00-12:30)

I. Parenthood: Legacies and Generational Positionings
Katrin Wehling-Giorgi (Warwick), ‘Come una lingua straniera mal nota’: Oblique Considerations on Mother-tongue and Generational Detachment in Ferrante and Sapienza
Saskia Ziolkowski (Duke), Parental Bonds: Kafka and the Family in Modern Italian Literature
Kate Willman (Warwick), The Death of the Father and Genna’s ‘Italia De Profundis’
Coffee break
II. Italian ‘Difference’: Intellectual and Cultural Genealogies
Sharon Hecker, Shifting Borders: What Art History Can Contribute to Rethinking Italian Studies
Laura Rorato (Bangor), Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio and The Commodification of High Art in a Globalized Society
Marina Spunta (Leicester), Luigi Ghirri, Giorgio Messori e l’esperienza del luogo
Afternoon (13:30-18:30)
III. Italian ‘Difference’: Intellectual and Cultural Genealogies (continued)
Daragh O’Connell (Cork), Interstitial Vico: Settecento Naples between Jurisdictionalism and Post-Humanism
Federico Casari (Durham), Benedetto Croce as a ‘civilisational centre’. Towards a network of Italian culture, 1903-1953
Giacomo Tagliani (Siena), ‘Actuality’ of Biopic Italian Style
IV. Italian ‘Difference’: Centrality and Ex-centricity
Francesca Billiani (Manchester), Dialettiche della modernità e arte di regime nell’Italia fascista
Damiano Benvegnù (Notre Dame), Una modernità animalesca: Italian Studies and Animal Studies
Coffee break
V. Transnational Italy: Deterritorialization
Emma Bond (St Andrews), Moving Beyond Borders: The Case for Trans-nationality in Contemporary Italian Writing
Renata Redford (Los Angeles), The Italian Case: Women’s “Transnational” Literature from East to West
Adalgisa Giorgio (Bath), Italian Difference Abroad: The New Zealand Case
Evening Event (19:00-20:00)
Roundtable: Intellectual Mobilities (title tbc)
Francesca Billiani (Manchester), Gianluca Briguglia (Vienna), Jennifer Burns (Warwick), Antonio Scurati (Milan)
Day 2
Morning (9:00-13:00)

VI. Transnational Italy: Transcultural memory
Carlo Pirozzi (St Andrews), Traces of “Tally’s blood” in
Ancient Caledonia: Archival Materials, Photos, Letters and Family Memories
Margaret Hills de Zarate (Queen Margaret, Edinburgh), Embodied Objects in the Construction of Transcultural Memory
Derek Duncan (St Andrews), Human Cargo and the Possession of Transcultural Memory
Coffee break
VII. Transnational Italy: Transnational Spaces
Daniele Salerno (Bologna), Cultural Responses to Migration by Boat: Kater I Rades case and the Memorialisation of Albanian Diaspora
Simone Brioni (London), Alternative Italian Colonial Histories in Enrico Brizzi’s ‘L’inattesa piega degli eventi’
Barbara Spadaro (Bristol), ‘Una casa normale’. Remembering Jewish Domesticity in Libya, Questioning ‘Italian’ Postcolonial Frameworks
Caterina Romeo (Rome), The Italian Postcolonial Condition in a Global Context
Afternoon (14:00-18:00)
VIII. Italian Studies: Redefining the Limits of the Canon
Florian Mussgnug (London), Against Genre: Mimicry and Microspection in Contemporary Italian Fiction
Caterina Sinibaldi (Manchester), Modernity’s Crimes: Writing and Translating Crime Fiction under Italian Fascism
Michael Jolliffe (Leicester), In Medias Res: Emanuel Carnevali’s Transnational Modernism
Coffee break
IX. Italian Studies: Redefining the Limits of the Canon (continued)
Giulia Iannuzzi (Trieste), Science Fiction in Italian Studies: in Search of Critical Citizenship from the Ghetto to the Internet
Cecilia Ghidotti (Bologna), Dieci cattive ragioni per non leggere la narrativa italiana contemporanea. Strategies to Evaluate Contemporary Italian Writers
Emanuela Piga (Cagliari), Cartografie della memoria nella narrativa italiana contemporanea
Ilaria Pinna (Exeter), Theatre Theory and Cultural Studies: an Interdisciplinary Approach to the Analysis of Political Theatre in Italy
Evening event (19:00-20:00)
Sonnambulismo e barbarie: Rivoluzione, memoria, scrittura (title tbc)
Wu Ming 2 (Bologna) and Fabio Camilletti (Warwick) in conversation, with Kate Willman (Warwick)
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Giorgio Guzzetta (February 11, 2014). Interstitial Italy: Reassessing Global Questions through the ‘Peculiar’ Italian Case (an Interim SIS conference). Books are Falling Apart. Retrieved February 10, 2025 from